Heritage ISD School Board
“Key to the Future.” Microsoft Office Gallery. Web. 26 March 2013. <http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/results.aspx?qu=door%20key&ex=2#ai:MC900037040|>
"Photo Editor." PicMonkey. Web. 26 March 2013. <http://www.picmonkey.com>
Charlotte Webb, a librarian at Oak Meadows Elementary, was invited to a school board meeting and presented this Voki to Heritage ISD school board members.
Elevator Speech:
Librarians Can Open The Doors For Everyone!
by: adamedlin
Hello members of the Heritage ISD School Board. My name is Charlotte Webb and I am here to show you how school librarians have the keys to impact student achievement. Do you wonder how Heritage ISD is preparing its students to meet college and career readiness standards and succeed on the state-mandated testing? School librarians are your answer! They play a key role as instructional partners educating students in media literacy and technology to prepare them for the 21st century workforce. They work collaboratively with teachers to co-plan, co-teach, and co-assess exciting and creative lessons that use inquiry learning, target STAAR readiness skills, and use Web tools that engage students. These collaborations have the added benefit of job-embedded professional development! Studies conducted by Keith Curry Lance have shown that as the librarian collaborations with teachers increased and as librarians' instructional role increased, the higher students scored on reading tests.
School librarians have the key of leadership. They lead as trainers of technology and media literacy for staff. They are leaders on campus reading initiatives to increase student success in reading. They promote a passion for reading throughout the school community through exciting literacy projects that ignite student motivation to read and promotes life-long learning.
Lastly, I ask you to consider research studies that have shown that the best predictor of student achievement is related to the size of the library program, its collection, and the presence of highly qualified staff. We invite you to visit with school librarians and ask them to show you how they can open the doors for everyone at Heritage ISD!
Advocacy Tool: Key Chain and District Library Events Promotions Flyer
Front and back view of key chain. Available in two different school colors, purple or gold.
The keychains modified through:
Photo Editor - PicMonkey
Photo Editor Online - Pixlr
“Key to the Future.” Microsoft Office Gallery. Web. 26 March 2013. <http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/results.aspx?qu=door%20key&ex=2#ai:MC900037040|>
"Photo Editor" PicMonkey. Web. 26 March 2013. <http://www.picmonkey.com>
Library Events Promotional Flyer
library events flyer.docx
Key chains and flyers will be handed out at the conclusion of the Heritage ISD board meeting.
Heritage ISD Research and Readings Heritage ISD research and readings on the impact of highly qualified librarians, strong library programs, and collaborative teaching on student learning outcomes.
School Librarians in Action- infographic, collaborative lesson plans, prezi presentations on collaborative lessons using inquiry learning models, and table showing who benefits from collaboration.
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